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Beginner friendly free motion books and videos
for traditional home machines and long arm machine quilters

Learn designs and patterns that hide the "bobbles and wobbles"!!!

For BOTH Traditional Home Machine or Long Arm Quilting Machine.

I thought it might be a good idea to build the mistakes in for you with methods so forgiving that you never have to be perfect. With our original "wiggle room" techniques, the eye simply cannot catch the bobbles and wobbles or wibble-wobbles.


No matter how unsure you are about Machine Quilting, you will never have to copy me to be successful. Maybe you feel like I do, that you don't have the fine motor skills to even make a successful sample in a hands-on class. 

Using these Free Motion Machine Quilting techniques cut my learning curve in half and gave me greater success in my other classes.  ~Deb R, Iowa

Click here to find out more about quilting feathers >>>
Jump-start your free motion feather skills with our exclusive "wiggle room" technique so you never have to be perfect.

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