Do you use a Traditional Domestic Sewing Machine for Machine Quilting, even if you are a Long Arm Machine Quilter?
Now that they have a ruler foot for Traditional Machines there is no limit to what we can do!!!
Lately been having great time machine quilting ity-bity feathers on spines when using my Janome 6250 Short Shank Traditional Sit Down Sewing Machine.
I use the short shanked Westalee Ruler Foot when machine quilting with rulers. This foot works great. You can see how the angle of the foot rides over the full 1/4" rulers / templates perfectly. I got my foot from Ken's Sewing Center in Muscle Shoals, AL.
Here is a picture of the foot next to one of my rulers / templates. Seriously I don't know what to call it now--Ruler I guess... I am from the old school in the 90's and we called them Templates :)

To make it easier to keep steady when machine quilting with "Sibby-Nell" my faithful Millie Long Arm, I spray the back of the ruler with fabric adhesive spray to make it grip the fabric.
This little trick is a must if you have a Traditional Quilting Machine and move the fabric under the needle.

When your ruler gets so gunky and you cannot see through it, just clean it with alchohol or GooGone or water. Be sure to check the label and see what works for the product you are using.
Hope this helps. Quilt Happy, Sally :)