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...what to do with two rooms full of fabric, keep it scrappy happy

I have fabric...bolts even, from 22 years of collecting.

My friends tell me buy more fabric while I am thinking about a fabric will.

We trade fabric and we share ideas in a wonderful gathering every week .

...Are my quilting friends buying more fabric, even though THEY profess they aren't?

I know they are buying fabric because they keep slipping, mentioning certain websites, a new sashing fabric and Etsy in their conversations. hmmmmmm

There is no end to it. We are gleaners. We have to pick through produce, beads, buttons, and fabric patterns, prints and colors. We love to spend days just pulling fabric and putting combinations together.

AND, no matter the self warnings and friend's admonitions, we still buy more fabric!

So it is okay then!!!! Now what to do with all that fabric? Do you realize how much fabric even weighs? 5.8 oz a yard.... or more. Shipping? Sure... I have to have this fabric!

I recall right after 911 ( by the way, I was in the air on my way to Philadelphia for a Mancuso Quilt Show - never made it ) how everyone, individually, instead of buying out an entire booth of fabric, just bought onesies and twosies, the booth owners told me.

Okay, we were still buying! In Lancaster, PA at the quilt show there, a truck hit a pole and took out half the power in Lancaster. Our convention center lost lights and power to the cash registers (back then). So as the Security Guards put glow sticks at the bottom of the pillars and demonstratively told everyone to get out, no one would leave because it was a quilt show and after all, as I heard one gal say, "we don't need electricity we have cash!"

I don't think we will ever stop adding to our fabric stash. And we shouldn't!!! Because it will stifle our creativity and that allegedly causes depression. We must keep it scrappy happy and quilt on!

Quilt scrappy happy always, Sally :)

Pssssst: it's okay

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